martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

Historia Camren

Camila tenía 15 años.
Lauren 16 años.
Camila se había presentado a una audición de X Factor.
Lauren también.
Camila entró a formar parte de la girl band Fifth Harmony.
Lauren también.
Estas adolescentes que vivían en la misma ciudad pero que no se conocían de nada vieron su vida cambiar cuando conocieron a la otra. Eran dos adolescente cumpliendo sus sueños y quién les iba a decir a ellas que el amor incontrolable llamaría a su puerta. Sí, algunas de vosotras podéis decir que estamos locas y que la realidad es otra, que Camila y Lauren solo son amigas pero nosotras, Camren Shippers 007, tenemos licencia para shippear.
No paso mucho tiempo cuando empezamos a notar una química extraña entre ellas en las entrevistas que las hacían durante el programa. Los vídeos que nos resumían su semana preparando la actuación en el programa se las podía ver compartiendo sofás y gestos totalmente innecesarios para unas amigas.

La suerte nos sonrío cuando las redes sociales empezaron a llenarse de la frase “Camren is Real” según pasaban los meses y Camila y Lauren no dejaban de regalarnos momentos para la posteridad.
Periodista "¿Cuales son sus celebrity crush? 
Camila "El mío es Lauren" 

Si, podemos decir que Camila Cabello, como cualquier adolescente que se precie, no sabía tener la boca cerrada. Podría decirse que Camila no dejaba de mirar a Lauren en cada entrevista y que los detectives Camren le pedían encarecidamente que cerrara la boca cuando la mirara, pero ella seguía en sus trece.

Durante todo el 2013, después de su participación en el concurso, donde quedaron terceras, sucedió un cambio de roles: Parece ser que Lauren había empezado a notar a Camila y esta, a ignorarla.
Durante este tiempo la relación vivió idas y venidas, como si de una montaña rusa se tratara. Se miraban, se mandaban indirectas por twitter, se reían de las bromas de las otras en las entrevistas, e iban juntas a conciertos.

Un chico se cruzó en la vida de ambas. Fue entonces cuando pudimos vivir la época de Camren con novio. Camila salía con Austin Mahone y Lauren con Luis Felipe, un compañero del instituto. Era más que evidente que ambas relaciones eran un poco turbulentas y esto no dejaba de darnos “Camren proofs” sobre los sentimientos de la otra. Las caras de asco de Lauren o la manera de Dinah Jane de dejar claro que Lauren era de Camila a través de varias respuestas en twitter.
Durante este tiempo la relación vivió idas y venidas, como si de una montaña rusa se tratara. Se miraban, se mandaban indirectas por twitter, se reían de las bromas de las otras en las entrevistas, e iban juntas a conciertos.
Por otro lado, el fandom Camren no dejaba de crecer, cosa que cada vez parecía molestarle mas a Lauren. En los últimos tiempos han sido muchas las intentonas de desmentir su relación y separarlas cada vez más. Hemos de decir que son tan obvias que no engañan a nadie y que las palabras “Camren no existe” aún no ha salido de su boca. Parece que en estos momentos vivimos un momento amargo con Camila más separada del grupo de lo normal debido a su dueto con Shawn Mendes. Pero nuestras esperanzas no desaparecen ¿Cuánto tardaremos en sacar noticia confirmando lo que todas ya sabemos? ¡Esas miradas no son normales!

Me everytime someone says Camren is not real.


This proves the heterosexuality of Camila.


Camren 2014/ Camren 2016

Birthdays of Camren through the years

I’m very competitive. - Lauren Jauregui

Don't care what you think Camren is otp goals and no one can convince me otherwise ...

Difference between Lauren and Camila

Harry representing Camren shippers

Maybe it’s not a friendship, maybe it’s not a relationship. It’s just Camren.
— Camren Shipper (via camren-latino)

Camila making Lauren laugh

I love how Camila looks so proud for making Lauren laugh so hard, it reminds me of that quote “they told me to make her fall in love I had to make her laugh but every time she laughed I was the one falling in love” something like that I just thought it was cute.

Larry and Camren

People talk

“What Is Behind Camren”

Camila was 15.

Lauren was 16.

Camila went to an “X Factor” audition.

Lauren went to an “X Factor” audition too.

Camila was wearing her straight brown hair.

Lauren was wearing her long curly dark brown hair.

Camila had this adorable chocolate brown eyes.

Lauren had the most beautiful emerald eyes in the world.

Camila used to love closing her eyes while she was singing.

Lauren used to catch the audience’s attention by focusing her eyes on them.

Camila’s voice was catchy.

Lauren’s voice was raspy.

Camila sang “Respect”.

Lauren sang “If Ain’t Got You”.

Camilo got four “yeses”.

Laure got four “yeses” too.

Camila was put into a group later.

Lauren was also put into a group later.

Camila and Lauren were together on a group whit another three girls.

Camila and Lauren immediately feel they were better when they were together.

The other girls noticed the fast connection between Camila and Lauren.

Later it wasn’t only the other three girls who noticed it,

the whole world noticed it.

Eye contact full of affection;

smiles crossed amid everything around them;

holding hands with the sense of protection;

tight hugs while closing their eyes;

mixed laughs attracted to each other inside a room;

suspicious interactions;

long sighs;







Feelings growing up between them.

Was it only a friendship?

Was it attraction?

Was it a coloured friendship?

Was it love?

Was it a delusion?

It was Camren.

Camren was a thing.

Not a friendship or attraction or a coloured friendship and not even love.

It was just Camren.

And then there were people who started supporting them as a couple.

Truth to be told they were a couple.

We didn’t know what a kind of a couple but they were a couple.

At the beginning Camila and Lauren loved the idea of having people doing that,

but a few time after things started to change way too fast.

No more eye contact full of affection;

no more smiles crosse amid everything around them;

no more holding hands whit the sense of protection;

no more hugs while closing their eyes;

no more mixed laughs attracted to each other inside a room;

no more cute things said to each other;

no more suspect interactions;

no more long sighs;

no more love;

no more friendship;

no more confidence.

But there were still the feelings.

The feelings were still here.

The new question is was “Why did this happen?”.

Did they get mad at each other?

Did their parents not allow them to be together?

Did they get upset because of the fans’ pressure?

Did they feel like that wasn’t going to work?

Did they get scared of people’s opinion?

Did they get scared of having feelings for each other?

Questions without an answer is what we have and what we will always do.

Later one boy appeared in Camila’s life.

But the way she was still looking at Lauren with that tiny smile on her face was cheating on her and the feelings she wanted to feel about that new boy.

Was that only marketing because they were on tour together?

Was that true love…?

Or was that the way she found to forget about the feelings she had for a girl?

A boy appeared in Lauren’s life too.

Truth to be told the happiness we saw in Lauren a while ago when she was next to Camila wasn’t there anymore.

Was she trying about her feelings for Camila and trying to create feelings for another person?

Was it also true love…?

But then Camila and Lauren started being catched behind the cameras doing those things they used to do before all of those changes.

When there were cameras around they always tried to resist to each other but behind them they always went back to years ago when they were not worried about being seen like that.

Lauren finally understand that boy wasn’t deserving of what she could give him and they broke up while Camila kept appearing in public with that guy showing were definitely together…

The question was Camila and that boy appeared together in public but why did Lauren and Camila only appear together in private?

Is there something they wanna hide from us?

Nobody knows and nobody will.

All we can do is wait till the day all the answers will come out.

Meanwhile Camila and the boy broke up in a strange way.

Now can you imagine two people in love with each other and they get arrested and get locked in two prison cells in front of each other?

They can’t get out and touch each other or the guards will punish them but they can still look at each other and fall in love all over again every time that happens.

While they’re able to look in each other’s eyes that love can never die.

Can you imagine Camila and Lauren being those “two people”?

Because I can.

Was Camila’s first kiss with Lauren?

Was Lauren’s first true love whit Camila?

Were they to scared to admit their feelings?

Was Camila courageous enough to tell Lauren “I’m in love whit you”?

Was Lauren brave enough to accept that and reciprocate that?

Were the people around them concerned about their relationship?

Were they the ones who decided to end up showing their proximity in public?

Or were the people around them the guilty ones?

Were the feelings for that two boys real?

Were they only trying to forget about what they had?

Were they trying to hide their feelings for each other?

Were we just seeing the things we wanted to see?

Do those feelings keep beating inside them as they did a long time ago?

If they can do, one day they’ll get tired of being inside and they’ll just come out when we’re last expecting.

And if Camren isn’t real,

then we’ve created the most beautiful love story of the world in here.

- itsbiamacarico on YouTube (via jgbkcclmj)

The Iconic "My pink princess"


Soulmates don’t always end up together, but they will always find each other in every single lifetime. In one, they can be best friends, in another enemies. In one, they can be husband and wife, in another they can be divorced. In one they’re brother and sister, and in another they are father and daughter. In one they love each other and end up together, in another they don’t. They might not always get a happy ending or fall in love, but they will always find each other.
— KA (via explicitly-iridescent)

The birth of the hashtag Camren

Fifth Harmony in fanfiction (stereotypes)

Camila: smol bean, clumsy af, loves bananas, innocent af (but great in bed), good with words, 1 ex-boyfriend, gay af
Lauren: badass mf, green eyes that pierce through ur soul, whipped af, has a soft spot for "camz", even gayer
Dinah: funny as shit, sometimes dumb, polybeatdown, captain, camila's best friend, always shouts inappropriate stuff
Normani: sassy as hell, motherly, lauren's best friend, chicken wings, straightforward, usually messing with dinah
Ally: jesus, bible, troy, did i mention jesus? bless you, mother, sweet sweet sunshine, allysin sometimes
Sofie: the most intelligent sweet camren shipper kid ever
Sinu: is always watching
Alejandro: idk but he's always an asshole
Ariana: i love camila
Austin: asshole, fuckboy, dorito
Shawn: sometimes camila's gay best friend, sometimes another ex-boyfriend
Clara: best mom ever
Mike: best dad ever
Chris: horny teenager but a good brother when he has to be
Taylor: grumpy teenager or most supportive lil sis
Keana: usually a mean bitch, but hot as fuck
Lucy: good friend wtf, or you know, part of the love triangle
Vero: flirts with camila, very funny and a good friend
Alexa: gives good advice
Luis: fuckboy
Keaton: fuckboy
Brad: no lips, bread, fuckboy, dumb as shit
Dinah's siblings: omg that's a lot
Siope: gtfo norminah is real
Troy: sweet sweet boy
Car: runs over camila

First Camren photo ever!

Posted before their X Factor premiere. They waited at least 2 months before they could post pictures that are related to their X Factor stint.

Reasons to ship Camren

From Camrenandlife on Tumblr
  • They have matching onesies; Lauren’s one is gray whilst Camila’s is pink.
  • They’re both Cuban.
  • They’re both from Miami, Florida.
  • Both are Latinas.
  • Lauren and Camila got the most solos in The X Factor performances.
  • They are both big fans of One Direction.
  • They both auditioned in Greensboro, North Carolina.
  • They both have a younger sister.
  • They hung out with each other on December 31st, 2012 to January 1st, 2013. They then tweeted a photo of Camila making a funny face and Lauren looking awkward.
  • Spanish was both their first language.
  • They live 15 minutes away from each other.
  • They often switch places with the other girls so they can sit next to each other.
  • They both love to do accents with each other.
  • They often think the same things at the same time.
  • They both have a weakness: Lauren for beanies and Camila for bows.
  • Lauren is the only one who calls Camila Camz.
  • Camila said if Lauren got arrested for something, she would get arrested for being so sweet.
  • They sat right next to each other at a The 1975 concert.
  • They have the same music taste.
  • Lauren said Camila is her “Pink Princess”.
  • Lauren is the “mom”…and Camila is the “father”.
  • Camila thinks Lauren is a “boss of an intelligent opinion”.
  • Camila thinks Lauren “is real”.
  • Camila would switch her mind with Lauren.
  • Lauren would switch her mind with Camila.
  • Camila wanted Lauren to kiss her under the mistletoe.
  • They wear the same “merch” clothes.
  • The way Lauren looks at Camila after she says “Fall, by Ed Sheeran”.
  • Lauren is Camila’s celebrity crush. (Oh … and Camila wants to marry with her celebrity crush ..even if her family doesn’t support the relationship.)
  • Camila would be "Baby Spice” because she is Lauren’s baby.
  • Lauren is the only person who laughs at Camila’s jokes.
  • Camila loves Lern Jerg.
  • Because Lauren helps her when her banana is dead on the floor.
  • Because Lauren helps her when her microphone breaks.
  • Because Lauren ties her shoes.
  • Camila is the sun and Lauren the moon.
  • Because Lauren doesn’t know what else to say but she thinks Camila is pretty fucking Dope!
  • Because Camila has Lauren “written on her”.
  • Because Camila read Lauren’s favorite book.
  • Because Lauren knows that Camila cried reading “Fault in Our Stars”.
  • Because one day Camila and Lauren went to the bathroom together and … that’s the end of the conversation!
  • Because Camila thinks Lauren can sing and is pretty too.
  • Because they have an audience that calls them crazy! (and they call us delusional!)
  • Because both like “so many hot boys”.
  • Because Camila said: “keep the boat floating”.
  • Because Lauren said “It’s Camren, YOOO!.
  • Because Lauren wants someone to love her insecurities…and Camila do!
  • Because Lauren has “the most beautiful emerald eyes in the world”.
  • Because Camila thinks Lauren is “perfect”.
  • Camila tried salmon because Lauren loves sushi.
  • Because Lauren thinks Camila is goofy, not the bad kind goofy, the cute kind goofy.
  • Because Camila loves people from “planet green eyes”.
  • I love you. You’re one of my best friends and I feel like I’ve know you forever. You’re one of the smartest people I know and you’re stuning. I’ve learned a lot from you, just know I’ll always be here for you no matter what!” - Camila on Lauren
  • Happy 16th Birthday little one(: thank you for always being you and being one of the raddest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. You’re an incredible person and I’m extremely lucky to have you in my life. Thanks for being there to vent with and even though we haven’t known each other for even a year yet, I feel like you’re the sister God forgot to give me. I love you Camzi(: have a good one babe! 💙😘🎉🎈🎁💙#camren” - Lauren on Camila

  • Happy 17th Birthday to this little nugget right here. I thought this picture was cute so I decided it would suffice. Just wanted to let you know that you’re an amazing beautiful person and I’m glad that you’ve been alive for 17 years and that 2 of them have been spent with the girls and I because idk you’re pretty rad and an amazing friend and fun to have around. I hope you have an amazing day and feel as special today as you deserve to feel everyday. Thanks for always being there for me when I need you and for being your wonderful self(: I LOVE YOU CAMZ” - Lauren on Camila

  • AWHHHHH YAAAY I LOVE YOU UR CUTE 🐏🐟💗🎷” - Camila on Lauren

  • The word I’d use to describe Camila is hmm I’m gonna say cutesy, like also goofy. It’s like both, like the good kind of goofy not the weird kind. Like the cutesy kinda goofy” - Lauren on Camila

  • LERN JERGI. ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY. YOU ARE 18. THIS IS THE MOMENT YOUVE BEEN WAITING FOR. IF YOU STUCK YOUR TONGUE OUT IN THE AIR RIGHT NOW YOU COULD PROBABLY TASTE THE SWEET AND PUNGENT FREEDOM OF DRAGONFLY TATTOOS, NOSE PIERCINGS, AND VOTING RIGHTS. we’ve been through thick and thin in our friendship, and through those thick and thins I’ve gotten blessed enough to experience you as a person. ive gotten to experience your bomb music taste which I am SO HAPPY YOU INTRODUCED ME TO because we have the best time at concerts bonding over bands and there are so many more to come PRAISE JESUS. i can come to you about anything and expect the pure, honest, rare truth and I’ll always be there tell you it’ll be okay when you cry on my shoulder when you feel lonely or hurt. I’ve gotten to see firsthand your incredible sense of justice, when you see that something unfair or wrong has happened, you’ll raise your voice and fight for that person with a bravery that I, and many other people (although they might not admit it) wish they had. i love how passionately you fight for what you think is right and everyone should remind you today and everyday that it’s a strength and not a weakness. i can’t tell you what a comfort it is to know someone like you will stick up for me and have my back, i hope you know i will too. i love you always” - Camila on Lauren

  • Super cute candids taken by a random stranger always make good birthday post pics. HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY CAMILA CABELLO. YOU’RE LEGAL NOW YAYYY!!!!!! You are such a beautiful person inside and out and I’m so thankful that I get to call you my friend. Thanks for all the laughs, for being my shoulder to cry on whenever I’ve needed a friend, for giving amazing sound advice (even though you’re just now considered an adult by the government you’ve been there mentally for a while which I greatly appreciate) I wish you many more years of amazingness and I hope you had the best day with your family. You deserve all the love and happiness the world has to offer and I wish it all upon you for many many years to come. I LOVE YOU CAMZZZZ❤️❤️❤️” - Lauren on Camila

  • HAPPY 19TH LAUREN!! i remember the day you auditioned for X factor seeing a beautiful green eyed girl belt out an Alicia keys song so perfectly i feared for my life. i remember telling my mom "that girl can sing!! and she’s gorgeous too!!” and then you walked out and i told you i loved your shirt remember? HAHAHA. it’s funny how before we even knew how important we were going to be to each other, something in us knew and something in us will always know. i love how fiercely you defend your opinion, i love your strength, your bold independence, and your desire to live life fully. i love that we crack up at each other’s jokes even when nobody else gets them- and i love those moments where we get caught up in talking about a band or a book and we get lost in the conversation like two normal girls in high school that aren’t about to go do something ridiculous like go to an awards show. i will always be there for you when you need someone to vent to, when you want to talk about the overwhelming underwhelmingness of boys that break our hearts or the overwhelming overwhelmingness of when a kiss leaves your head reeling, when i back you up and you need someone to stick up for you, or when you just need someone to understand- we’ve done that for each other in the last 3 years and we will do that for each other forevermore. i love you so much !!!! happy 19th lern jergi!!!!! camila“ - Camila on Lauren